Thursday, November 4, 2010


Way to be a liberal firewall, West Coast!

What a relief.

I mean, I knew she had it. The conservative wave kinda crashed out in the midwest (didn't even reach Colorado, it seems). And WA is notoriously blue. But it's still scary to think that a little voter discontent could send DINO FUCKIN' ROSSI to represent us in the senate for the next six years. I mean, you get a bad representative, just hold on 2 years and they all are up for re-election (remember that, freshman republican congressmen/women). But Senators, they stick around.

And the ads are gone. Holy shit, it's great. I like being able to watch tv without wanting to throw something at it.
Especially since Citizens United, election ads have been particularly annoying to me. Foreign corportations, GTFO our electoral system. Please.

I'll keep an eye on Alaska, but who knows how long that will take. Other than that, I'm glad to see the midterms end. I was spending way more time analyzing polls than any 19 year old girl should.

2012 campaign starts now, I guess. I'm eager to see who the republicans throw out for nominees (Sarah Palin, please). However, I hope campaigning doesn't get in the way of making actual progress. No, Mitch McConnell, you first priority should be getting americans back to work. Not making Obama a "one term president". Yes, he actually said that.

I also want to say: Although I made a point about republicans most likely not being able to get things done, and that playing well for Obama, I don't want them to fail. Shit, if they can't create jobs, more power to them. I don't think they will. But I would never, ever, ever, EVER root for the country to fail simply so the other party would look bad. Because I have diginity/love my country. I would never wish ill will upon it. I'm looking at you, Rush Limbaugh.

Another reason why I want Sarah Palin to run for president is so Tina Fey can bring back the impression she perfected in 2008.
On letterman the other night:

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