Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So I guess this is election night..

Forgot about this blog thing. Suck! It's cool though.

I'll admit. I wasn't optimistic about the house. Nancy Pelosi must be slamming her hands on the table with frustration (or maybe her gavel?) as Democrats seemingly refused to run on their accomplishments of the past year and a half. I'd go ahead and list those, but my fingers are tired from posting on facebook all night (read that as, annoying my less-than-political friends with constant updates throughout the night). http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/ is a fun little profanity-laden highlight reel of Obama's first 2 years.

I'm just going to go out on a limb and say Pelosi had more balls than anyone else in the democratic leadership. She got things done, and didn't give a shit what anyone thought. TRUE FACTZ.

Having said that, I love Obama. I'll vote for him in 2012. And having the Republicans in control of the house might turn out well for the President's re-election campaign (which, as we know begins...now). Now the Republicans can be the ones who have to answer to their own obstructionism. I would love to see Mitch McConnells petty attitude bite them right in the ass.

This could be seen as the ramblings of a democrat in denial about the republican wave that just went through. Not so. I realize it was a terrible night for Dems. It happens. Every midterm after a new prez. takes office, actually.

More locally, Tim Eyman. He is a total douche. Like really, what is WRONG with this guy?

Washington is going to have a hard time funding ANYTHING thanks to the fact that now in order to change tax law, state congressmen and women have to find a way to a 2/3 majority. and we saw how well the constant presence of a filibuster worked nationally. ugh ugh ugh. don't even get me started on 1098. the keyword there is "greed".

I'm glad Harry Reid held on. Meaning, i'm glad the tea party found someone batshit crazy enough to lose to Reid, who's approval ratings are embarassingly low. No word on if Angle is going to make "lemonade" out of this situation...that's not funny, nevermind.

Hold on tight, Patty. I'll write about that race tomorrow.

Love, Camille

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